A "cowboy" hat was a must have at the Tamworth arena for the sale.
They were literally packed to the rafters for the NCHA Select sale of 130 horses. It was unfortunate that the popularity of the sale meant it was impossible to purchase a sale catalogue or obtain a list of horses performances or breeding by midday.
Previewing the sale catalogue.
Lot 68 Hickolena by Lil Hockory Badger (Imp) and 2005 NP Derby Finalist sold for $16750.
Eager buyers watch the action.
Lot 69 studies the sale catalogue.
Lot 69 I Spy Spinifex sold for $18,000.
Lot 95, a youngster by Freckles Fortissimo (Imp) entered by Chance Lodge tries to look his best.
Every sale was immediately registered on the large display boards along with being screen on the close circuit television.
Excellent auctioneers game every horse a chance to reach its full value.
One of the many watchful "spotters" takes a bid.
Lot 64 Lady So Smart by the imported satallion Docs Freckle Oak and a 2000 Futurity Finalist was sold on a "Buy Back" for $22,000.