Hamag Young Rider Dressage Festival

"Withered Wings" ridden by Steph Nicolson placed 4th in the Preliminary 1C with a score of 64.886%
"Withered Wings" ridden by Steph Nicolson placed 4th in the Preliminary 1C with a score of 64.886%
"Starcrest Anniversary Boy" ridden by Sophie Pommie in the Pony Novice 2C
"Starcrest Anniversary Boy" ridden by Sophie Pommie in the Pony Novice 2C
"Danson Wolkenaction" ridden by Michaela Glass, won the Preliminary 1C with a score of 68.637%
"Danson Wolkenaction" ridden by Michaela Glass, won the Preliminary 1C with a score of 68.637%
"Warrego Wilfred" placed 4th in the Preliminary 1D ridden by Tahlia Wilson with a score of 67.614%
"Warrego Wilfred" placed 4th in the Preliminary 1D ridden by Tahlia Wilson with a score of 67.614%
"Kylen Matisse" ridden by Cailin Kennedy in the Preliminary 1D
"Kylen Matisse" ridden by Cailin Kennedy in the Preliminary 1D
Jackson Stern riding "Kookaburra Park Ricardo" in the Preliminary 1C
Jackson Stern riding "Kookaburra Park Ricardo" in the Preliminary 1C
"Flika" ridden by Steph Nicolson was runner up in the Pony Novice Championship with a total score of 57 points
"Flika" ridden by Steph Nicolson was runner up in the Pony Novice Championship with a total score of 57 points
"Miss Mia" ridden by Julia Soldatos placed 3rd in the Preliminary championship with a final score of 56 points
"Miss Mia" ridden by Julia Soldatos placed 3rd in the Preliminary championship with a final score of 56 points
"Intricate" ridden by Marni Hicks in the Prelimninary 1D had a score of 66.250% whiched earned her 5th place in the championship
"Intricate" ridden by Marni Hicks in the Prelimninary 1D had a score of 66.250% whiched earned her 5th place in the championship
"Byalee Magic II" ridden by Meaghan Kaye in the Preliminary 1D scoring 62.841%
"Byalee Magic II" ridden by Meaghan Kaye in the Preliminary 1D scoring 62.841%
"Yooranaboy" ridden by Kirsty Sendall in the Preliminary 1c scoring 63.296% placing her 9th in the championship
"Yooranaboy" ridden by Kirsty Sendall in the Preliminary 1c scoring 63.296% placing her 9th in the championship
"Octavian" ridden by Ellie Smith in the Preliminary 1C scoring 63.409%, finishing in 7th place in the Champiosnhip
"Octavian" ridden by Ellie Smith in the Preliminary 1C scoring 63.409%, finishing in 7th place in the Champiosnhip
"Mithril Kismit" ridden by Jamie Mita in the Pony Novice 2c scored 61.797% placing her 5th in the class
"Mithril Kismit" ridden by Jamie Mita in the Pony Novice 2c scored 61.797% placing her 5th in the class
Winners of the Prelinary 1D "Revelwood Dynasty"ridden by Sancha Butler from NSW, scoring 73.068%, also placing them as Champions of the Preliminary Section
Winners of the Prelinary 1D "Revelwood Dynasty"ridden by Sancha Butler from NSW, scoring 73.068%, also placing them as Champions of the Preliminary Section
"Ranandah Ground Zero" ridden by Jemma Bird in the Preliminary 1C
"Ranandah Ground Zero" ridden by Jemma Bird in the Preliminary 1C
"Burrowa Bashar" ridden by Fern Wright in the Pony Novice, placing equal 3rd in the Championship with a score of 54 points
"Burrowa Bashar" ridden by Fern Wright in the Pony Novice, placing equal 3rd in the Championship with a score of 54 points
Orarapark Sauvignon" ridden by Skye Kennedy in the Preliminary 1C
Orarapark Sauvignon" ridden by Skye Kennedy in the Preliminary 1C
"Malijo danari D'Or" ridden by Matilda Anderson in the Preliminary 1C
"Malijo danari D'Or" ridden by Matilda Anderson in the Preliminary 1C

18 photos

Photos by:

Derek O'Leary
email: derek@derekoleary.com
website: www.derekoleary.com.au

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