Fee: $2,200

“Moses” the Mule Maker


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Diamond Creek Moonwatcher Aka “Moses” the Mule Maker

The only USA Imported American Mammoth Jack.

15hh. Registered with North American Saddle Mule Association ND-1312, American Mammoth Jackstock Association 39588, Donkey All Breed Society Australia AMJ/44/09.

Son of the Diamond Creek Major. Inducted into the Hall of Fame of the North American Saddle Mule Association.
“Moses” has proven progeny in USA in multiple of disciplines - showjumping, dressage, pony club, ranch work, show ring.
Australian progeny are just hitting the ground with outstanding prospects.

Stud Fee: $2,200 inc GST. Plus collection and freight. AI only.
Chilled Semen Available Australia wide, with a live foal guarantee (conditions apply).
Contracts available on request for your appraisal.

Weaned foals also available from hand chosen mares.

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