Japanese Grand Prix rider Akihiro Shimoda has passed away unexpectedly on 14 March. He was 43 years old.
Shimoda was member of the Japanese team that finished fourth at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, China. He rode the Bavarian gelding Loriot (by Rubinstein x Absinth).
Between 2012 and 2013 Shimoda competed at international small tour level in Japan with horses Roselle (by Kroonjuweel x Contang), Trisha (by Rubiquil x Kwadruto) and Loriot.
After a five year break from CDI's, he returned to the arena in October 2019, making his Grand Prix debut on the 18-year old Polish bred Otello (by Alfaro x Seul) at the CDI Gotemba.
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