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Edwina Tops-Alexander's 20QS and The Insider At Home with Anna Kellnerová on GCTV

Anna Kellnerová, GCL Prague Lions Team Owner and talented U25 team rider, shares her passion, ambition and determination to succeed in show jumping in a series of programmes starting today on GCTV.

Anna takes part in Edwina Tops-Alexander’s 20QS, available from today, giving an insight into her personality and life at home, as well as discussing how the Longines Global Champions Tour has “really changed” show jumping.

She also speaks of the opportunity she has had as a Team Owner and U25 rider in the GCL, saying “For the young riders to be able to compete, me myself being under 25, it’s a chance that otherwise we would never get so to be able to learn and jump on a team and be put under so much pressure it’s really a one-of-a-kind situation.”

Anna reveals her all-time favourite horse and rider she admires, and also speaks with Edwina about the “amazing” GC Prague Playoffs, saying “It’s my home country, my home city, it was really a once in a lifetime situation that I really have no words for.”

Anna also reveals the best advice she has received from her family: “The best piece of advice I got from my Dad, and he told me that of course in life you have to work hard, you have to be kind, and you have to be respectful but you have to be happy with what you’re doing, because if you’re not happy you’re never going to be able to put in the energy that it requires from you.”

On The Insider At Home with Frederik De Backer, available from this Wednesday 10 June, Anna speaks with pride about the GC Prague Playoffs and great support of her family.

She also speaks of being an ambassador for show jumping, saying “Hopefully it brings more interest, a wider generation that starts to ride, or a young generation, or even sponsors potentially as we’ve seen at the Prague Playoffs. It’s a huge opportunity.”

Helping Anna to realise her ambition to succeed in show jumping is her trusted coach and Prague Lions Team Manager Jessica Kürten, who describes Anna as ‘ambitious, caring and hard working’, while Anna herself jokily refers to her own ‘stubbornness’.

She also describes the pressure she put on herself to perform for the team, and explains “More than anything there was a lot of pressure from myself, I wanted to be there and support the team. Every single result counts, every single second counts.”

Anna spoke of her lengthy battle to recover from a serious riding injury in May 2019, and explained “I hoped to be competing back in 2019 at the Prague Playoffs but my leg told me otherwise… I was on crutches for two and a half to three months, so I even wasn’t walking for a very long time.”

Finally, Anna speaks of her goals for 2021, both individually and for the Prague Lions, explaining “My dream is to jump a clear round in the Grand Prix, I’ve dreamed of that ever since I started competing on the tour.

"We will attempt to have the Prague Lions team as good as possible and to be in the top four at the end of the season. It makes me even more motivated for the next Prague Playoffs that will be coming up in 2021.”

Anna will also feature on In The Saddle, available from Tuesday 9 June from 10:30 BST/11:30 CET on demand via GCTV.

Anna will then take part in Tips & Tricks, available from Thursday 11 June from 10:30 BST/11:30 CET on demand via GCTV.

All shows will be available via GCTV at

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