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Gail Greenough's Tips on Getting Through Quarantine: 'Be Proud of How You Spent This Journey'

Eighteen years ago, my mother passed away. I don’t mention this for sympathy, but instead because I want to pass on her last valuable lesson to me.

Mom was completely bedridden and I was in the middle of the winter circuit. I had a string of seven horses I was competing, including one particularly talented horse for the Sunday grand prix. It was a busy and exciting time but I was a little worn out as one gets towards the end of the circuit. One afternoon, my Mom and I were laying side by side and I remarked how wonderful it was to slow down - to take time and unwind. Gosh, I wished that I could do this more often, I said. Her reply was, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Well, here we are. We actually have time. Arguably one of the most valuable currencies a human can have. Time.

Please click here to read the rest of the article as it appears on the Noelle Floyd website.

Article written by: Gail Greenough

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