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How love heals

This article is from the February 2019 Horse Deals magzine.

Ollie on a 3 week trek from Buchan to Bogong High Plains

Ollie on a 3 week trek from Buchan to Bogong High Plains

Written by Anna Feely

There is a Zen saying, “when the student is ready the teacher appears.” These words resonate with me because I like to do both. I love learning and I am very passionate about teaching. I would like to share with you a very inspiring story of an amazing horse, so you too can be inspired and benefit from the lessons learnt. I am a qualified equine masseur (EMT) and teacher (VIT) and I thoroughly enjoy leading people in positive directions. This lesson is powerful and in many ways beyond words as it is a feeling. Often when learning, studying and trying to increase our knowledge we seek people who have the experience and wisdom to guide our journey. We often look towards those who can communicate with us in ways that we are able to understand. Over the years I have been incredibly fortunate to have been instructed by brilliant people. Erica Talbert (bowen therapy) inspired my healing journey years ago and since then I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from Leslie Williamson (National College of Traditional Medicine), Carolyn Nolan (reiki), Sally Francis (riding) and of course sharing deep and meaningful conversations with friends and very special mum – Jan.

The teacher that I am writing about today however is not human, he is my horse – Black Heart Othello – Ollie, he has taught me more than I ever could have imagined about healing through touch. I bought Ollie from Heather Johnson (Black Heart Arabians, Tasmania) back in 2003 as a three year old. I wanted to start my first horse and go out and enjoy endurance riding together. Endurance riding, like many other equine pursuits, is challenging at the best of times. You need to be able to notice the small details whilst being connected to the overall picture.

I have to be honest I had a lot of trouble initially, as Ollie was the first horse I had ever started, there of course were gaps in his training which made riding him challenging. However, the biggest difficulty I had was keeping him sound, and his back, neck and hindquarters used to hold a lot of tension. The long-distance rides were taking their toll and after a few vet outs I travelled down the path that many of us have. I changed my training, had saddles fitted properly, teeth done, diet improved, feet checked, and I hired many great professionals to give him “body work”. Chiropractors, bowen therapy, t touch, equine myofunction therapy, acupuncture and reiki. If you haven’t already guessed I spent a lot of money. I don’t feel I ever wasted a cent, however, there came a time eight years ago that I decided that I wanted to help Ollie stay sound and well so I decided to learn about how to heal him myself, when I started riding Ollie I was determined not to break his spirit which worked in my favour when I began working on him. We have only had one vet out since and that was due to us losing a hoof boot in the dark and he must have got a stone bruise, now he is fighting fit. The lessons Ollie taught me that I use every time when I massage and give hands on healing;

Stay present: If my mind wanders and I become distracted Ollie would slap me with his tail to bring back my awareness to what my hands are feeling.

To feel: Sounds easy and obvious yet unless your mind is focused on your hands you won’t notice the subtle changes of pressure the horse gives you. Ollie leans into my hands if they feel beneficial and he moves away if it is too much or too fast, I have to feel what he is giving me, so I can match it instantly.

To be systematic: Ollie’s body often compensated on opposite sides and tension in his neck affected his hind. Ollie reinforced - to be thorough and not take shortcuts, make sure you heal the whole body.

To be positive: Ollie is incredibly sensitive especially to emotions. He teaches me to believe in good outcomes and focus on healing rather than worrying about problems.

To listen: it may sound strange, but they definitely do talk, there is no doubt about it. Ollie showed me his language, one common to all horses, he expresses what he likes and dislikes when my hands are in contact with him, his signs range from obvious to incredibly subtle. Initially, I only noticed his ears, then he taught me about his tail – a swish was saying ouch, stop there I have some muscular tension or a knot. If I didn’t notice in time he would move out of my contact or give me a nudge.

These days I can tell so much from using eye contact. He expresses what he needs through his eyes and how he holds his eye lids. His face shows a lot of his emotions - And now I see it in all horses.

He has increased my awareness so much, he has opened a whole new door – one that has changed my life and healing capability’s enormously.

The most remarkable, yet very simple and available to all of us, lesson that he continues to provide is. If I touch him with loving intent, if I feel great thoughts of healing through my hands, he responds by being fit, healthy and happy!

He taught me to believe that I can give him what he needs if I take the time to listen, to adjust how much and how fast I massage him. He taught me how to give love – and it is love that heals. The most valuable thing that I can share is connect your mind to your heart and your hands will follow. It is through meaningful, generous, kind, giving, touch that muscles and emotions benefit the most. I am grateful now that Ollie helped me learn how to heal. The rewards are indescribable.

I encourage you to go out and begin the learning with your own horse, you may be surprised with what you discover.

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