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'It Was A Lot Of Compromise With Him': Anne Kursinski Remembers Her Legendary Partner Eros

The first time Anne Kursinski sat astride the horse who would become her legendary partner, Eros, she knew she just had to bring him home with her. But he was far from the superstar he was destined to become in those early days.

“He was just over 16 hands, very slight, and he was a real Thoroughbred who had raced,” Anne recalls. “The first time I saw him, he was just this little ewe-necked horse flying over the fences. George Morris had wanted me to try him, and the minute I jumped him, I thought, ‘Wow, he’s going to go to the Olympics.’”

A tall order for a horse with such inauspicious beginnings, as show jumpers go.

But this partnership, destined for greatness, wasn’t one to let the odds get them down. For Anne, the process of producing Eros (Family Ties x Tudor Success) to the great jumper she knew he could be was every bit as rewarding as the innumerable victories they ultimately earned. The idea of coaxing greatness from a horse is one Anne knows well, and if you ask her today what her greatest accomplishments are, she counts the longevity of Eros’ career as one of them.

Please click here to read the rest of the article as it appears on the Noelle Floyd Website.

Article written by: Sally Spickard

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