Operations will begin to return to normal Monday at Miami Animal Import Center and Santa Anita racetrack in Los Angeles that are 2,700 miles/4,400km apart but where the deaths of a total of 25 horses in less than three months remain apparently totally unrelated mysteries.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture that operates the Miami quarantine facility–the main import gateway for horses coming for the dressage, jumping and polo winter circuits centered in Wellington, Florida–reported that extensive testing found no trace of salmonella that was initially suspected as the cause of the deaths of four horses. But the faciity will partially reopen Monday.
The famed Santa Anita race track in Los Angeles on the other side of the country will reopen for training also on Monday following the deaths of 21 race horses there since late last year.
Soil samples and test data are being analyzed in a search for the cause of the race horse deaths. The Los Angeles Times reports the track hopes to reopen fully later this month.
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