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One Goodbye, One Welcome Back

We wish to advise that Dianne Saunders is heading over to join the EA High Performance Team. Di has been with EA since April last year and has been a valuable member of the operational team.

This wasn't Di's first walk in the EA park, Di was previously with EA for a number of years, over two separate occasions, involved in IT Working Groups and later as the Pathways Manager – Officials. Her previous wealth of knowledge proved invaluable during round three.

Originally employed for three months, trialling the new Sports Services Offer (SSO) role, Di quickly found herself immersed in numerous projects, including helping the National Discipline Committees collaborate and develop; sharing ideas and initiatives as part of the Nominate platform working group; and along with the rest of the team, helping to navigate the organisation through the wild seas and unchartered territories of COVID-19 and voluntary administration.

Three months came and went and now, seven months later, Di is ready to hand over the reins to the next SSO.

Her passion for the sport and always-caring attitude will be of great benefit to the High Performance equestrian community.

We thank Di for everything she has done for EA’s operations during this time and the years prior. She is a wonderful source of positivity, smiles, good ideas and bakes some pretty delicious cupcakes. We will miss having her in the office.

Happily, it's not all sad farewells, as we are excited to have another familiar face returning to the EA team, Karen Myers. Karen was with us in 2019-2020 in the role of Committee Liaison Manager and she joins us again now in the role of part-time SSO.

With previous experience working alongside our National Discipline Committees, Karen's return is welcomed by all those who have had the pleasure of working with her in the past.

Karen has had experience teaching physical education and coaching gymnastics (Level 3 coaching accreditation). She has had much involvement in sports administration, having held the roles of Sports Director and High Performance Manager with Gymnastics Australia over a 12 year period. Most recently, Karen has been involved in owning and running a family business.

We are more than pleased to have a former team member back on board, which will make the transition process incredibly smooth for the EA team, EA members and National Discipline Committees alike.

Welcome back Karen and we hope to see you soon Di!

Article courtesy of Equestrian Australia

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