An orphan miniature donkey is “thriving” after being adopted by two sheep when her mother died shortly after she was born.
Roberta was born at Folly Farm, an adventure park and zoo, in South Wales on 15 December 2018 when her mother, Marji, died 24 hours later.
Kim Brickell, assistant farm manager, told H&H: “Roberta had her mother’s colostrum for the first 24 hours, which was probably a lifesaver.
“We knew we would have to bottle-rear her but we thought ‘what are we going to feed this baby?’ We have milking goats on the farm and thought we’d give it a go. Goats milk has good properties for humans and animals alike so it was our first go to and Roberta loved it – she thrived off it.”
Please click here to read the rest of the article as it appears on the Horse and Hound website.
Article written by: Becky Murray