We're pleased to offer five scholarships for riders whose livelihoods are directly impacted by the significant drought in Australia. We hope that by providing extra support for your riding, you might find a welcome distraction from the profound difficulties of the drought, and a very supportive equestrian community to be by your side.
These scholarships are open to riders of any age and expertise, and allow you access to the January 2020 Live Round of the Parbery Program Dressage Fundamentals Course. You'll get lifetime access to all the course materials, plus six weeks of live online group coaching with Brett.
Please note, as course content is streamed online, a decent internet connection is required to take part.
Scholarship applications close midnight 22 December 2019 (Sydney time). Successful applicants, chosen by a selection panel, will be advised via email prior to the end of December 2019.
Please click here to apply