This article is from the September 2019 Horse Deals magazine.
Jamie at Sydney Royal.
Photo: Julie Wilson
Former show rider, Jamie Priestley, directed her talents to showjumping and has never looked back. With her team of talented horses, Jamie has enjoyed enormous success in the showjumping arena and Horse Deals is delighted to share one of Jamie’s favourite exercises.
Straight Line Gymnastics
The Aim:
For the horse, the aim is to have balance, rhythm of canter, straightness of jump and sharpness. This exercise keeps the horse focused and watching where they are putting their feet.
For the rider, the aim is to have a good position over each fence and to sit in the middle of the horse. Keep your eyes up, let the horse jump on its own. Close your leg and follow the horse’s mouth with your hands.
Set Up:
To set this exercise up you will require at least seven poles, eight wings and a measuring tape. Build the grid as illustrated above, with a placement pole, vertical, another placement pole, to another vertical, then four strides on (16.5 to 17.5m, depending on the horse’s stride length) to an oxer.
Ideally, build the exercise in the centre of the area so that it can be approached on the left and right rein.
The Exercise:
1. Once your horse is warmed up, start the exercise with a canter circle to establish rhythm, concentration and have the horse listening to your aids.
Ride straight down the centre of the exercise with one stride between the verticals and four even strides down to the oxer. To keep even consistent strides between the fences, make sure the take-off and landing are equal.
In this line try to avoid helping your horse with your hands. Keep your hands and body quiet to let your horse learn to take his/her time over each jump.
When training at home and competition always start and finish with a canter circle. Your horse should be relaxed and listening to you.
Jamie’s tips:
- Always reward your horse and give praise.
- Have a strong bond with your horse and work together as a team.