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Vale Max Crockett: Urban cowboy who broke in horses for the best

Max Crockett is a legend throughout the Sport Of Kings

An eye for conformation and the knowledge that it brings

He’s trusted as a saviour when a horse needs extra care

"here were none considered equal and few we might compare.’’

- Kevin Pye (Lawson Country).

A North Randwick cowboy, Max Crockett, who died on Sunday, educated more horses in Australia than any other breaker. Well, that’s a record I’m claiming on his behalf.

Even in his younger days Crockett looked like he had weathered many a Kidman trail drive, with 10-gallon Stetsons lathered in dust and riding boots that had more in common with mud than polish.

We went back to 1964, when Crockett was serving his apprenticeship with the great horseman Harry Meyer and I watched them work their methods on Jupiter, a record-priced yearling.

Horses prepared at Randwick by Tommy Smith, Bart Cummings, Neville Begg and Les Bridge responded to the Crockett touch before he went bush with Meyer.

Tagged by Cummings as ‘‘the colt breaker’’, Crockett moved to Mudgee around 30 years ago where he linked as equine educator with what was to become the Gooree Stud of Filipino squillionaire Eduardo Cojuangco, following a stint with Lloyd Foyster who developed this horse heaven.

Over the decades, the Crocketts – Max and more recently his son Cameron, now a trainer – have tuned over a thousand Gooree Stud thoroughbreds from green youngsters to racehorses ready for Australia’s top trainers.
Rare in his line of work, Crockett was injury-free for decades before being trampled by a group of his pupils, which eventuated in him having a broken back.

The dangers of the trade were emphasised during his association with Smart Missile – mad, bad and difficult to be around. Later, Smart Missile was scratched at the barrier in the 2011 Golden Slipper.

‘‘The first day he was restless,’’ Crockett recalled. ‘‘I put it down to him being a very horny sort of a horse, a bully. I went to pass him up to Cameron to start his leading lessons and he took off. He reared on his hind legs. He went bang, striking at Cameron. I had to run in and drag him off. He banged me up against the wall and cut all me elbow open ...

‘‘We settled him down and I said to the stud groom, Vickie Cannon, ‘He’s the worst horse I’ve had on the lead. He’s dangerous, too.’ I told her, ‘We’ll have to tell the boss to cut [geld] this horse'.’’

Crockett was informed the colt was too valuable, with breeding to match his appearance, to tamper with his stud prospects, so Crockett returned to old breaker lore ... Maybe Smart Missile didn’t make the Golden Slipper, but Vickie Cannon pays tribute to Crockett for his success as a stallion, valued at $40 million after his first season at stud.

‘‘When Smart Missile got his legs over the back on the barrier (before the Golden Slipper) he didn’t lash out due to the Crocketts’ [work],’’ Cannon recalled. ‘‘Other colts would have done irreparable harm.’’

However, the Fred Allsop-trained Alfalfa (1968), one of Crockett’s second placegetters in the Golden Slipper, was even more harmful.

‘‘Alfalfa was a buck jumper,’’ Crockett stressed. ‘‘He killed a drover bloke when they took him home [after his racing career]. I told them when they put a stock saddle on him he would buck. They laughed ...’’

Much revered by Cummings, Crockett related how he went to the master trainer during Randwick races about an outstanding account.

‘‘Bart, if I don’t get the money I’ll go to gaol,’’ Crockett, with massive overheads and staff to pay, pleaded.

‘‘Long Bay will suit you, Max,’’ the Master replied without missing a step. ‘‘There’ve got colour television now and a hot meal on Sundays. Anyway, Cheryl [wife of Max] will appreciate the break.’’

Cummings settled the account next day.

Article courtesy of Fairfax Digital and The Brisbane Times

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