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Whisker removal banned in international competition from next year

The FEI has outlawed trimming the whiskers of competition horses from 2021.

The new rule was passed during the federation’s general assembly yesterday (23 November) as part of the veterinary regulations covering sport horses competing internationally under FEI rules in all disciplines.

From July next year, horses who have had their sensory hairs removed, unless for veterinary reasons, will be disqualified from FEI events.

The wording, which was voted through unanimously, states that horses are not permitted to compete in FEI events “if the horse’s sensory hairs have been clipped and/or shaven or in any other way removed unless individual sensory hairs have been removed by a veterinarian to prevent pain or discomfort for the horse.”

Please click here to read the rest of the article as it appears on the Horse and Hound website.

Article written by: Lucy Elder

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