“While we had many Willinga Park staff members and volunteers working around the clock, it was disappointing to think that the first-ever CDI 4* Dressage event run in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere was missing a representative from Equestrian Australia and Equestrian New South Wales,” says Terry. “I have been vocal about the administration of Equestrian sports in Australia before and as a group we need to look at how we can better administer the sport, help foster young riders and horses, retain elite horse ownership and encourage people to invest in the sport, its athletes and Australia. It seems unproductive that we have an organisation that doesn’t have discipline-based boards, letting people who are passionate and educated lead their sport. It is time that we disband the state branches, allow Dressage athletes, coaches, supporters and patrons to drive the direction of Dressage in Australia. Likewise, this would work for Showjumping, Eventing, Carriage Driving, Reining and Show Horse.”
Dressage by the Sea was a success on many levels, thanks to all the hard-working team members and volunteers that made it all come together, the judges who travelled around the world to be part of this inaugural event and the judges and officials from Australia who also travelled a long way to witness the best in the sport. Thank you also must go to the athletes, their support teams and the spectators. We loved having you as part of this history-making event, and we hope you enjoyed it too. We would love to continue sharing all of the exciting events with you. Please go to our website for videos and news articles about each day of competition. We hope that you will plan to come back again next year.
About Willinga Park
Willinga Park is a world-class equestrian centre set on 41 Hectares of the NSW South Coast.
Combining stunning architecture, sculptures, and a native botanical garden, it houses the latest in equine technology, has been home to numerous equine sporting events, and has been used as a film set and for photo shoots. Its facilities include luxury stables, commercial cattle stud facilities and extensive facilities for the agistment and training of horses. Willinga Park also has Hereford cattle with some of the best breeding in the country. Each year, Willinga Park hosts several community-wide events and premier equine sporting competitions across dressage, showjumping and campdrafting. Willinga Park fully supports Australia’s athletes across equestrian disciplines and aims to fully support future Australian Olympians.
For more information contact:
Kathleen Sweetapple
Communications and Media Officer Willinga Park
0455 22 77 11 k.sweetapple@willinga.com.au