Cobargo Pony Club's Zali Duncan has been named a national champion.
Zali was announced as the Australian champion during the Pony Club of Australia awards ceremony on Thursday night as the rider of the year for under 13s.
Club president and proud Mum, Angie Duncan, said it was an exceptional achievement against quality riders from throughout Australia.
The award is based on both outstanding achievements in events and also horsemanship.
The announcement comes on the back of Zali's strong appearance at the Pony Club nationals in Sydney where she competed in Formal Gymkhana on Saturday.
Angie said the level of competition was incredible at the national event in Sydney, which was held in the same arena as the Sydney Olympics.
"Zali's age group - Sub Junior - was the largest and to win placings at this level is extremely difficult," Angie said.
She won the national championship titles in Barrel race and Running Tee, placed second in scuddaho and in and out of the paddock, third in pairs, 10th in showjumping.
She recieved the sash as seventh overall for the whole competition, while her NSW Sub Junior team of six girls were the highest point scorers with each receiving a national champion team rug.
"We have a small pony club of only six riding members so are very proud to have one of this calibre in our club that is able to help encourage and inspire our local riders to see what they can achieve," Angie said.
The club is always open to new members with regular events.
Article courtesy of Australian Community Media and the Bega District News